Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2007

Some pictures from Camara's workshop!

Dies sind alles Bilder aus unserem Workshop am North Wall Quay hier in Dublin, wo wir die Computer in einer alten Lagerhalle säubern, alle alten Daten löschen und überschreiben, um dann Edubuntu - eine geniale Lernsoftware Ausgabe des Linux-Betriebsystems Ubuntu - neu zu installieren und noch einige andere nutzlichen Dinge der frei verfügbaren Open Source Software!

Dallan, ich & David posen für Camara

While Ali is installing Linux software on the computers which we send out to Africa, others are already exercising themself as ICT trainers in our training lab in the workshop... and it seems the craic is mighty!

To get an idea of the whole process a computer is going through in the Camara workshop before it will be shipped to Africa, whatch the following short film made by our generous multi media talents and volunteers Maria, Tom and Leanne...

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